Here’s what you can do about it! Grades not so good…? Here’s what you can do about it!
First things first… DO NOT IGNORE THE PROBLEM!…It will not go away. You may not believe that your grades matter now, but your overall high school GPA is SO important! Today’s grades make a big difference! Start going to tutoring IMMEDIATELY! You may not want to give up your extra time, but a little tutoring now can keep you from even more in the future. Set a goal. What grade do you want to make? Setting a goal for yourself may not seem like it would help, but giving yourself a goal to work toward can make good grades something you WANT not something you HAVE to do.
Talk to your teachers! Having a conversation with your teacher shows your teacher you CARE about your grade. Your teacher is much more likely to help you if you show them that doing well, or at least better, is important to you. Your effort makes a big difference!
Make the extra effort! Check with your teacher about tutoring schedules. It will stink for a while, but it’s worth it! Think about what you did (or did not do) that caused you to have a bad grade. Did you not bring materials such as your laptop, book, paper, pencil, etc., to class? Did you do your homework?…probably not… Did you miss the class too many times? Skipping class or not being at school seems fun at the time, but the fun is over when you fail and have to take the class over…
Take a minute to think… These have been some good general things to do to improve. And most (if not all) of you should do as least some of them… Take the next few minutes to write down two more personal things you can do to improve your grades. Could you study more at home? Ask questions in class? What do YOU need to do to improve?