10 Problem Solving Devices Rebound: 1 Joh 1:9 Filling of the Holy Spirit: John 14:26: Eph 5:18 Faith Rest Drill: Rom 4:20; Heb 4:1,10-11 Grace Orientation: Eph 2:1-22: Jam 4:6 Doctrinal Orientation: Rom: 12:2; Heb 10:39 – 11:2
10 Problem Solving Devices Personal Sense of Destiny: Eph 8:28-30; Phi 1:21 Personal Love for God the Father: 1Jo 4:19 Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind: Jam 2:8 Sharing the Perfect Happiness and Contentment of God: Joh 5:11 Occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ: Eph 3:19