Fishing Have the children describe the image seen above.
The stars and planets controls the waves (tides). How are waves related?
Fishing is the act of catching fish. Point out the boat and the fishing line. This is how people traditionally fish, and many people still do so for sport!
Discuss in simple terms how fishing affects daily life.
Sometimes, people get bycatch which is fish people do not want This is bad for the environment because it kills a lot of marine animals that just get dumped back into the ocean, greatly depleting the species in the ocean.
Boats are most of the time used for fishing You might want to ask the students, why boats? Basically, fish are in the water so it is easier to access them that way.
When overfishing happens, we begin to lose the fish around us. Ask the students what they think the consequences are if we lose the fish around us. You can highlight that we will lose a lot of the fish we eat, have lifeless oceans without oxygen, etc.