1st Day: MBA 506: Corporate Information Systems
[MBA 506]: [lecture]: Mondays and Wednesdays [time]: 9:00am to 10:50am [instructor]: Chris Califf (pronounced KAY-LIFF) [email]: christopher.califf@wsu.edu [office]: Parks Hall 039 [phone]: 360-650-4817 [office hours]: Monday and Wednesday, 1pm to 3pm; email me if that doesn’t work for you and we can set something up
Canvas (check often please) [course website]: mba506.weebly.com [uploads and grades]: Canvas (check often please)
[GOOD NEWS FOR MIS PEEPS]: JOBS [GOOD NEWS FOR MIS PEEPS]: “A survey completed in 2010 found that MIS majors were among the most satisfied with their career path since graduation when compared to other majors.” – Wall Street Journal's Paths to Professions project “IS employment in the United States is projected to grow by about 1 million jobs in the forecast period to 2018.” – Ken Laudon, NYU “The median annual salary for computer and information systems managers, which includes MIS directors, was $113,720.” – Bureau of Labor Statistics “The median annual starting salary for recently graduated MIS majors is $62,916.” – College of Business @ University of Houston “Job growth will occur as technology becomes more complex and more prevalent. Individuals with strong business management skills should have the best job prospects.” - Florida Tech “MIS grads enjoy a practically booming job market with the field growing 17% each year.” - Bureau of Labor Statistics
[Activity: 7 Things in Common]: Get in Groups of 2-3 people. Do not get in a group with someone you already know. That means MOVE AROUND. Introduce Yourselves. Find 7 Things in Common. These things CANNOT BE basic things like hair color, gender, the fact that you are a student, etc. For example, your favorite movie might be The Notebook. Talk to one another. Exchange email addresses.
Now, Please Share with the Class Your Interesting Things in Common
[TED ED activity]: http://mba506.weebly.com/week-2.html
This is the beginning of your careers. Be busy being born. Bob Dylan – “It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)” on Bringing It All Back Home (1965) This is the beginning of your careers. Be busy being born.