Cyber Impact! Every CTE Sector Every Student 18 of the 28 teams from California for CyberPatriot Nationals Presented by: Chris Lorenz & Donna Woods Cyber Academic Instructors & CA-Cyberhub Advisors Educating for Careers Conference Sacramento, March 3-5 2019
Cyber Reality – Live Cyber Attacks Source:
California CTE Career Clusters Agriculture and Natural Resources Arts, Media, and Entertainment Building and Construction Trades Business and Finance Education, Child Development, and Family Services Energy, Environment, and Utilities Engineering and Architecture Fashion and Interior Design Health Science and Medical Technology Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Information and Communication Technologies Manufacturing and Product Design Marketing Sales and Service Public Services Transportation EVERY industry sector represents companies that have digital information that MUST be safeguarded and ARE increasingly at RISK! Estee Lauder Story Client information, secret formulas Corporate espionage is alive and well Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
Five Industries with Growing Cyber Security Needs Health Care 100 Million healthcare records compromised annually. Manufacturing Vulnerable Programmable Logic Control (PLC’s) and SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Automation Financial Services Mobile banking, ATM apps, Ransomware - highly vulnerable Government & Transportation Mass chaos scenarios, Cyber Warfare FFA – Flight Control System It’s safe to say today’s cyber-criminals are not leaving any organization untouched. PLC and SCADA Technologies are easy to hack Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods Source:
Cyber Targets - 2019 Source: Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
Cybersecurity Gap “There will be a global shortage of two million cyber security professionals by 2019.” ISACA CyberSeek: “Every year in the U.S., 40,000 jobs for information security analysts go unfilled, and employers are struggling to fill 200,000 other cyber-security related roles.” “The biggest obstacle to stronger cybersecurity are lack of skilled employees.” (ISC)2 2017 Cybersecurity Trends Report:
Cybersecurity Demand Source:
Industry Partnerships & Support
Into: Strong Viable Programs Statewide Cyber Goal: Every Student & Every Educator Cyber Awareness & Preparedness All Educators All Students All Resources Into: Strong Viable Programs Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
Free Cyber Classroom Resources The Benefit Mindset is exemplified by the work individuals and teams are doing across the state. Leading by example: Source: Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
Growth Mindset – FREE Industry Certifications The Benefit Mindset is exemplified by the work individuals and teams are doing across the state. Leading by example: Source: Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
Educational Grants & Sector Funding Deputy Sector Navigators / Grants Doing What Matter for Jobs and the Economy StrongWorkforce.aspx Strong Workforce Program / Grants California Community College Partnerships – IT Student Teacher/Mentor Fostering K-14 Pathways Perkins Pathway Funding / CTE perkinsfactsheets.doc Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
Call to Action Success does not belong to an individual or an organization, but to a collaboration of creative, passionate and driven partners working to the same end. Our goal: To ensure support of ICT Cybersecurity educational and business endeavors throughout the state of California through collaborative partnerships, discourse, shared knowledge, shared experiences, shared resources, and visionary leadership. Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
California Cyberhub Support Center Cyber Implementation State and National ICT Standards Educational Resources IT Technician Pathway Industry Apprenticeships & Certifications Data Analytics Operations, Support, & Promote Beyond CyberPatriot State Legislation Initiated in July 2017, designed as a resource and helpdesk model. Viewing increased activity for help requests, feedback, and information gathered. California Cyber community of educators, mentors, businesses, and students. Presented by Allen Stubblefield and Donna Woods
CTE Educators, IT Specialist, & Cyber Security Trends We want to hear from you! CTE Educators, IT Specialist, & Cyber Security Trends Forward Momentum & Progress Difference Makers California Innovation We will post / feature on CA-Cyberhub: Articles National Press Releases Chris Lorenz Donna Woods
Thank You & Questions Find Us On Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Thank You & Questions Presented by Allen Stubblefield & Donna Woods