Book of ezekiel Background Ezekiel (God Strengthens) was born in 622 BC, deported in 597 BC, prophecied from 592-570 BC, and finished writing about 565 BC. Jews were treated as colonists, not slaves. Increased in number and wealth. 606 BC: Cream of the crop taken captive to Babylon. 597 BC: 10,000 taken to Babylon. 586 BC: Jerusalem completely destroyed. 2 extreme thoughts: captivity will be ephemeral or we will never come back.
Book of ezekiel Survey Notable Events Commission of Ezekiel (ch. 1-3) Judgment on Judah (ch. 4-24) Judgment on Gentiles (25-32) Restoration of Israel (33-48) Notable Events The Departure of the glory of God from the Temple (10:16-18) The fall of Jerusalem (33:21) The return of the glory of God to His house (44:4)
Book of ezekiel Keys Key Word: Glory Key Chapter: 37 Phrases “Hand of the Lord is upon me” “they will know that I am the Lord” “departure of glory has departed from Jerusalem” “Son of Man, you are a watchman” “I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live”
Book of ezekiel Prophetic Methods Symbolic Actions: Drawing the siege of Jerusalem, lying alternately, eating sparingly grains cooked upon cow’s dung, cutting his hair and scattering it to the winds, breaking out his house with covered head. Visions: Ezekiel was shown the idolatry and abominations in the temple, he saw the executioners of Jerusalem drawing near, the glory of the Lord departing, the idolatrous leader Petaliah dropping dead. Allegories: The useless wood of the vine, orphan girl taken for a bride becomes a harlot, two sisters become harlots, the lions instead of predators become prey, the second eagle mightier than the first, the valley of dry bones.