Exam # 1 INFORMATION Scheduled for Thursday 7/20 CS 201 Exam # 1 INFORMATION Scheduled for Thursday 7/20
What to Study Text: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 PAGES 100-144.
What to Study Lectures Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4 part 1 (up to slide 25) Lecture 4 part 2 Lecture 4_3 Math class. Lecture 4_4 Method Calls Lectures 5 & 6 Lectures 7 & 8 Lectures 9 and 10.
What to Study Labs Lab 1 Lab 2 LAB 3 Lab 4
Concepts Identifiers and Variables Data types Arithmetic Expressions Logical Expressions Evaluation of expressions Method calls and invocations Selections (if, if/else, else if) Loops (while, do while, for) Know how to compile and interpret command line Receiving input command line Receiving input from the keyboard
Exam Format Duration: 2 hours Closed book Closed Notes Computers: only WORD and Notepad++ can be used!!!!!
Questions Know how to use the API. Specifically the methods in Math class. Try to use some methods on your own, like the max and min.
Questions 5 questions One multiple choice. Has to do with typecasting and/or promotion rules. One that has to do with how a method is called from the main method. Two that have to do with the usage of shortcut operators. One that has to do with operator precedence and promotion in an expression, Write one program where you demonstrate method calls of another method from the main method. Write a simple service class (i.e like the Circle or Student examples).
Concepts to be tested Explicit and implicit type casting. Operator precedence in calculating an expression. Shortcut operators. Method calls. Using the Math library class. Writing a service class only and compiling it.
Concepts to be tested Selection Receiving input from Command Line Logical Operators Evaluation of conditions If and if/else Receiving input from Command Line Receiving input from keyboard