Sarah Jane
How it all started… In 2007 Sarah Jane gave a presentation to her Partnership Board in Westminster. The other person in the photo is Kath, Sarah Jane’s Empowerment Worker. She helps Sarah Jane to have her say at meetings.
The people with the money agree! The Partnership Board agreed and gave Our Choice the money to run 3 Friendship Groups for different people in the borough.
Sarah Jane sends invites
At the group Show the first 3 mins 48 seconds of DVD.
What did we find out People needed more up to date photos of their friends, and the places that they would like to go. These photos needed to be easy for each person to access e.g photo album or photo mat/ talking mats.
We can say a lot through music The group used different musical instruments when they wanted to have their turn e.g using a piano keyboard to show photos; making our switches make a drum sound when we press them to show our photos
Film premiere After the group sessions finished we showed everyone the film that we had taken each week, and the photos that we took of each other. We invited lots of people that we knew. We let everyone say hello using a microphone.