Planning Your Career
What comes to mind when you hear the term “Finance”?
Financial Stats What is the average credit card debt for an American? $10,700 with an interest rate of 15% What is the average salary for a 4-year degree? $53,000 What is the average salary for a high school degree only? $32,000
More Financial Stats Average lifetime earnings: 1. High school degree only? $1.2 mil 2. Bachelors degree? $2.1 mil 3. Masters Degree? $2.6 mil 4. Doctorate Degree? $3.4 mil
More Financial Stats Average student loan debt for bachelor degree? $27,803 What is the average college in-state tuition? $14,915 What is the median home price for LA County? $360,000
What is the difference between a job and a career???
JOB vs CAREER Work that you do mainly to earn money A commitment to work in a field that you find interesting and fulfilling
Potential Earning Power Obtaining as much education as possible will help you meet your financial goals The more you know the greater your chances for success Does having a college degree guarantee that you will reach your goals and make a lot of money?????
Having a college degree does not guarantee that you will reach your goals and make a lot of money. However acquiring more education does increase your potential earning power
Aptitudes are the natural abilities that people possess. What Are Aptitudes? Aptitudes are the natural abilities that people possess.
What are some aptitudes that people may possess What are some aptitudes that people may possess??? Singing Excel at Math Solve puzzles quickly Identify theories easily Creative personality
What are the 6 stages of career planning, changes, and advancement???? 1. Assess personal goals, abilities, and interests. Research careers 2. Identify job opportunities in chosen field 3. Develop a resume and a cover letter, apply for job 4. Interview for available positions. Improve interviewing skills 5. Consider job offers. Accept a job that meets financial and personal requirements 6. Plan and implement a program for career devlopment
How is finding the right job like marketing?
What do you need to obtain your long-term career wants? List all the requirements for the high-end career position you one day want What should your resume consist of when you apply for that job
Create a resume!!!!!!!