Agenda (for me) (Remind them to get copy of Outliers by 4/22) Vocab Unit 9 (11-20) ATSS Optional Part 2 Quiz (If not taking it, you can be reading ATSS) Discuss Chaps. 27-35 – power quotes? Research Paper Work Session Introduce Annotated Bib assignment Show them databases in Cobb Digital Library Work Time/Spruill begin providing feedback on Pre-Outlines HW:
Reminders – 4-8-19 ATSS Part Two Quiz – today and is optional. You can take it and if you want the grade, you can keep it. If you don’t want the grade, I will exempt it. Pre-Outlines: I started providing feedback this morning and will continue throughout the day during work session. You will need a copy of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell by Monday, 4/22 HW: Work on research for Annotated Bibliography
Struggle Photo Links to Post 2nd Block: 3rd Block:
Vocab Unit 9 (#11-20)
ATSS, Chaps. 27-35 (9 chapters) Possible Sentences – with your assigned chapter Independently: Generate 8 words that connect to these chapters Your group should now discuss and agree on 8 words together. They can be a combo of words and should be on a new piece of paper. Trade your group’s list with another group. With the other group’s words, create 2 sentences that capture something about the chapter – using at least 2 words in each sentence.
Research Paper Annotated Bibliography Cobb Digital Library Databases Work Session