Phase II Committee Forrest Barber Johnny Davis Mike Hannon Brandon Harwood Kelly McKay Jim McCoy Becky Roberts
Long Range Plan Guidelines New youth Space and Game Room Expand Children’s Area Game Room to Commercial Kitchen Build Welcome Center and New Bathrooms Renovate Old Fellowship Hall for Preschool
Time Line of Activities October 2016: Contracted with Church Interiors to do study April 2017: Received preliminary estimate for CI May 2017: Contacted Pearson Construction for Estimate July 2017 Contacted McCarty King for Estimate September 2017: Cost estimate from McCarty King Contractors December 2017: Cost Estimate from Pearson Construction April 2018: Revised bids from Pearson Construction May 2018: Revised plans for new building
Recommended Option New building for youth, children, preschool, welcome center, bathrooms Renovate Fellowship hall Renovate and expand existing Kitchen Move offices to old Preschool area Use Offices as SS Rooms Renovate existing restrooms in hallway behind sanctuary
Facilities Cost Broken Down * New building including Preschool, Childrens, Youth, Welcome center, and Bathroom $1,100,000 * Renovate existing kitchen and Fellowship hall to current wall in youth area. $218,000 * Renovate Bathrooms in Hallway east of sanctuary $43,500 *Renovate preschool to use as offices, $40,000
Options Considered Construct New Youth Building Convert Game Room to Kitchen Remodel Gym to Become Fellowship Hall Renovate existing kitchen Expand Children’s area Expand Restrooms in hall near sanctuary Renovate Bus Barn for Youth Building new children’s area only with upstairs unfinished Build new Youth and children’s building to include Welcome center and restrooms