Dairy Breeds
6 Different Dairy Breeds Holstein Jersey Brown Swiss Guernsey Ayrshire Milking Shorhorn
Holstein Origin: Netherlands (Holland) Color: Black and White (Red and White – Recessive Gene) Characteristics: Most popular breed in U.S. Largest breed (1500lbs) Most milk production Lowest butterfat in milk
Mrs. Richards works with this breed of dairy cattle! Jersey Mrs. Richards works with this breed of dairy cattle! Origin: Isle of Jersey (English Channel) Color: Light brown, tan, fawn, cream Characteristics: Smallest breed (900lbs) Known for their excellent butterfat
Brown Swiss Origin: Switzerland Color: Gray (dark/light), mouse Characteristics: Oldest breed Big framed cows Droopy ears
Guernsey Origin: Isle of Guernsey (British Channel) Color: Fawn and white Characteristics: Golden colored milk Due to high beta carotene (Vitamin A)
Ayrshire Origin: Ayrshire of Scotland Color: Red/orange to a dark brown and white Characteristics: Medium sized cow (1200lbs) Ability to convert grass into milk efficiently Ayrshire
Milking Shorthorn Origin: Northeastern England Color: Red, red and white, or roan Characteristics: Dual purpose breed (milk & meat) #1 U.S. dairy breed for fertility Large cows (1400lbs)