By: Harrison Lucibello Unit 1-10 By: Harrison Lucibello
Unnamed ;without the name of hte person involved. Synonym;nameless Anonymous Highlight: Unnamed ;without the name of hte person involved. Synonym;nameless acknowledged
Browse To nibble, graze: to read casually. Synonyms; scan to look through
Dupe Highlight: A person easily tricked or deceieved Synonyms: bold
Dynamic Highlight: Active , forceful Synonyms: Uproot
Frustrate Highlight: To prevent from accomplishing a purpose Synonyms: disapoint
Grim Highlight; Stern fierce Synonyms: dreadful
Inimitable Highlight: Not capable of being coppied or imitated Synonyms: matchless
Makeshift Highlight: A temporary substitute for something else Synonyms: stopgap
Marginal Highlight: In at or near the edge Synonyms: borderline