Put this as the heading for the work in your jotter. WORLD RELIGIONS Put this as the heading for the work in your jotter.
What are the main six World Religions? In pairs or groups of three, discuss and identify which is the oldest religion down to the youngest. Note them in chronological order in your jotter. You have 5 mins to complete the task. Give class 5 minutes for this activity. The answers will appear in the next slide in chronological order
Founders of the Major World Religions Identify who started each of the Major World Religions. Write it into your jotters along with any other additional information. You have 5 mins to complete this task.
HINDUISM There is no founder, the religion evolved out of existing VEDANTISM, beliefs in natural things, i.e. Air, water, fire etc. Hinduism came from an amalgam of many different beliefs.
Father of the Jews. Nomadic Bedouin, lived before 1200BCE JUDAISM ABRAHAM Father of the Jews. Nomadic Bedouin, lived before 1200BCE Abraham moved around the Middle East from Mesopotamia, Iraq today, to Canaan, Israel today.
belonged to a rich Indian family circa 450BCE BUDDHISM SIDDARTHA GAUTAMA – belonged to a rich Indian family circa 450BCE He sought a path to Enlightenment, he chose the Middle Path, the Noble Eightfold Path – his followers called him The Buddha, the Enlightened One. There were other Buddha's, which is why statues vary.
YOSEF – wandering preacher, son of a carpenter – died 29CE CHRISTIANITY JOSHUA BAR YOSEF – wandering preacher, son of a carpenter – died 29CE Jesus is the anglicised version of the Latin version of the Hebrew name Joshua. People would be known as son or daughter of someone. Dating slightly out, Jesus born about 4 BCE in today’s calendar.
CHRISTIANITY Jesus is the Latin version of Joshua. Christ is a title, it means Messiah – Jesus the Christ. Jesus is the anglified version of the Latin version of the Hebrew name Joshua. People would be known as son or daughter of someone. Dating slightly out, Jesus born about 4 BCE in today’s calendar. 9
MUHAMMED – Prophet and messenger of Allah, 610CE ISLAM MUHAMMED – Prophet and messenger of Allah, 610CE No pictures are used in Islam in fear of idolatry, worshipping false gods.
SIKHISM GURU NANAK – a wandering preacher in North East India, now Pakistan. Lived 1500CE
What impression do you get of Guru Nanak by this drawing? SIKHISM What impression do you get of Guru Nanak by this drawing?
BUDDHISM Look at the picture – what would you think about the Buddha from this picture? He sought a path to Enlightenment, he chose the Middle Path, the Noble Eightfold Path – his followers called him The Buddha, the Enlightened One. There were other Buddha, which is why statues vary. 13
Did Jesus look like this? CHRISTIANITY Did Jesus look like this? What is the iconist trying to tell us about Jesus? Jesus is the anglified version of the Latin version of the Hebrew name Joshua. People would be known as son or daughter of someone. Dating slightly out, Jesus born about 4 BCE in today’s calendar. 14
Why is there no picture of Mohammed? ISLAM Why is there no picture of Mohammed? No pictures are used in Islam in fear of idolatry, worshipping false gods. 15
Simply mention key countries
Which religion does each symbol relate to and which symbol are you left with? 1. Give 5 minutes for this exercise.
The one you were left with was? YING YANG - TAOISM
Split class up into groups Split up into mixed groups, boys and girls Choose a number between 1-5 1 – BUDDHISM 2 – HINDUISM 3 – ISLAM 4 – JUDAISM 5 - SIKHISM
GROUP TASK Each group will given a religion to research. You will have 4/5 periods to research your religion and produce a presentation on the main beliefs and practices of your religion. What can you find out about your World Religion?
RESEARCH Use different sources to access information on your World Religion. Areas researched are not compulsory, but should include the following: Deity/Deities Beliefs Scripture Worship Practice