China’s OCP Issues Starter: L.O: To explain the positives and negatives of the OCP, and what impact this has had on their population socially. Starter: Watch the music video and try to write down 2 key facts or interesting lyrics that were stuck out to you
What is gendercide? Gendercide is the killing of one particular gender.
In-Class Essay Now that we have done a substantial amount of learning on the OCP, it is time to write a researched essay. Use the instruction sheet and structure guide to help you start your essay. Use your iPads and the useful links to assist you with your research.
Where are we on our progress line? How much progress have you made? L.O: To explain the positives and negatives of the OCP, and what impact this has had on their population socially. . Where are we on our progress line? How much progress have you made? I’m not really sure what the LO is about I fully understand the LO