Drill 9/6/16 What did you find easy/difficult about your first FRQ? What would you like to work on? What tips could you provide to your fellow classmates? TURN IN FRQ’s AND/OR LAB SAFETY CONTRACTS UP FRONT
Agenda FRQ Discussion FRQ Rubric for grading Human Population Growth Assignment HW: Grade one of your classmates FRQ’s based on rubric Study for first quiz (9/13/16)
WELCOME TO THE APES FRQ 90 minutes, 4 questions 40 % of your grade
4 questions: 1 – Document based: you read and responds to an article Read entire article, underline key facts Answer with timely info: events that have occurred within the last few years 2 – Data Analysis: you interpret a table or graph Look for patterns and trends Think scientific method: you may have critique or design and experiment, analyze data, interpret results, etc If it is a lab you don’t recognize, don’t panic! You have the lab skills/knowledge to complete
3 & 4 – Synthesis and Evaluation Type 1 and 2 One of these will be mathematical – you will be able to do math without a calculator Show all work that can be followed easily (use units!) You will get partial credit for multi-step questions No work = no points The second will be a regular essay – you will be asked to analyze and evaluate something in-depth Provide examples!
General Guidelines Don’t spend time on any one part of a question – in order to receive ten points, you must answer all parts of the question. Be sure you are writing legibly!!! IMPORTANT: THEY WILL GRADE THE FIRST ANSWER GIVEN!!! Answer questions in this order: Data Analysis Document Based S & E (Essay) S & E (Math)
Know the difference between these! Environmental consequence Specific animals, plants, ecosystems, abiotic factors Not human health issues Economic consequence Money or jobs Societal/Human health consequence People, society, toxicity Government Agency/Action Enforce, regulate, tax, educate, fine