Start independent reading right away Make sure you are reading when the bell rings!
What does it mean to annotate?
What does it mean to annotate? Making notes of your thinking as you read You and the text: talking to the text- like some people talk to the television or movie Noticing important details and writer’s choices 7 Habits of Good Readers- Handout Add to the bottom- what are some of those writer’s choices we might want to notice?
“The Wallet” Read and annotate the text Underline anything you notice that might be important Write in the margins- record your thoughts as we read
“The Wallet” Discussion of what you noticed: What did you underline? What did you write in the margins? Do you think Elaine did the right thing? Why or why not?
Active Reading/ Annotation Review Groups of 2. Each group will be assigned one prompt. On your colored paper, write: The name of the prompt. An example of how it could be used with “The Wallet.” See the specific directions for each. Include names of both group members. Be prepared to share. Choose one group member to explain your work.
Code of Conduct Take this home. Have parent sign pages 2 & 3 and return to Ms. Hankins tomorrow. Please sign the sheet going around that you have received the Code of Conduct. Short film to watch: entRelations/JCPSCodeOfConduct.mp4
Closing reminders Have a great weekend! Save “The Wallet” in your folder- we will do more with it next week. Make sure you have your class notebook, homework notebook and folder by Monday!!!!