Marine Reporting Units (MRU’s) – status Neil Holdsworth October 01, 2018 18th meeting of WG DIKE, Brussels Marine Reporting Units (MRU’s) – status
Status by Country, 31st August 2018 Reported Shapefiles (August 2018) Number of MRUs Belgium 4 Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark 209 Estonia France Finland 37 Germany 121 Greece Ireland Italy 54 Latvia 10 Lithuania Malta Netherlands 18 Poland 17 Portugal Romania 4 Slovenia 3 Spain 5 Sweden United Kingdom 52 Note: some countries have included WFD areas in their shapefile reporting, while others have excluded these
Status by Country, 31st August 2018
What MRUs are used for GES determinations (article 9), GES assessments (article 8) and targets (article 10) are all associated to MRUs MRUs have been defined as a priority dataset for INSPIRE, therefore a reference dataset needs to be produced at the European level: Development of a Web Feature Service (WFS) [progress to be presented in TG DATA meeting, 3-4 December) WISE-Marine MSFD Dashboards: visualisation of MSFD reporting data Art 12 assessment: adequacy, consistency and coherence of MRUs used under articles 8, 9 and 10 reporting
WG DIKE is invited to: Confirm the status of provision of shapefiles of MRUs