Welcome to Ms. Sonn’s 4B Sophomore English Class! 4/11/2012 When you enter the room, immediately copy your agenda and objectives on a blank sheet of paper. Agenda: (Copy on a Piece of Paper until you get your RLN back) Agenda / Objectives Library Lab to type final draft of changes letter; 1st half. (2:05 – 2:50) The Scottsboro Boys: An American Tragedy Objectives: I will… Develop word processing skills. Utilize technology. be introduced to the historical context of TKAM HW: Finish Drafting draft number 2 for word processing in the Lib. Lab on April 10. www.ilovereadingandwriting.weebly.com
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Today, we are going to watch a documentary about a very famous trial, the trial of the Scottsboro boys, that took place while the author, Harper Lee, was growing up in Alabama. The trial and the trial in the book have many things in common. The book we are about to read deals with some very difficult subjects. IF YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE OR ARE UNABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS VIEWING PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND EXCUSE YOURSELF FROM THE ROOM FOR THE TIME BEING.
Scottsboro Boys: An American Tragedy You are required to take notes while you watch, so lets switch our attention to drawing the appropriate organizer to use to organize our thoughts during the film. Take out a piece of paper. Write your name, period, and date in upper right-hand corner. Title this page “Scottsboro Boys: An American Tragedy. Make four columns on your page and label them KWPL. Before we watch the video, take five minutes to fill out the K, W, and P columns of your chart. Then, we watch the video. And finally, you will fill out the L column of your chart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCBV-GhyINY