Training materials for landscape diversification Roeland Kindt World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) VVOB (Flanders, Belgium)
Tree Seeds for Farmers “A toolkit and reference guide” Provide information on sustainable production of seeds and seedlings of good quality Agroforestry tree species Wide range of actors in scaling-up agroforestry Information needs of partner organisations Quality of seeds and seedlings Sustainability of seed systems Team effort: A Aithal, J Beniest, S Carsan, W Frost, R Kindt, JPB Lillesø, A Mbora, S Moestrup, J Muriuki, L Mwaura, M Robbins, S Rao, J Roshetko, A Simons, C Wambugu
Complexity of seed systems Various actors: NGOs, CBOs, GOs, research, private sector Various species: indigenous, exotic, fodder, fruit, timber, fertility, medicine, … Different targets: different types of farmers, ecological differences Other stakeholders: development, biodiversity Flow of seeds, seedlings and information
Existing information on tree seed Information was developed for systems with centralised seed collection and distribution Seed handling in laboratories Extension messages on tree planting only Information is often not available further upstream in dissemination
Toolkit Accommodates for various types of seed systems (centralised/decentralised) (new) Summarises existing information on seed collection and handling Introduces methods of privatisation (new) Three sessions based on these objectives: Strategies (actors and roles within seed systems) Technical guidelines (quality) Private sector (sustainability)
Format of the toolkit Folder with printed information CD-ROM with toolkit information and additional materials Website with all materials Online e-learning resource
Additional materials DFSC guide to handling of tropical and subtropical seed LONGMAN tropical trees: propagation and planting manuals (Volumes 1-4) Tree Seed Management (Winrock, ICRAF and IFSP) IFSP demo room posters IFSP flip over (visual extension material) ICRAF nursery and vegetative propagation manuals ICRAF scaling-up document Marcus Robbins extension materials on tree seeds CIAT handbook on business skills for small-scale seed producers Arboles de Centroamerica handbook (??)
Tree Diversity Analysis Training manual and software Used during training and data analysis for tree diversity surveys (Kenya, Uganda, Sahel, Cameroon) Western Kenya: 2 Central Kenya: 3 South Western Uganda: 1 Central Uganda: 1 Sahel: 2 Cameroon, Nigeria: 1 Molecular data Roeland Kindt, Richard Coe, Wim Buysse
Tree Diversity Analysis Diversity of diversity analysis methods Including slightly more sophisticated methods such as negative binomial GLM and GAM, GLMM, GEE, constrained ordination (RDA, CCA, CAP), Mantel and ANOSIM tests, accumulation of Rényi diversity profile, exact species accumulation Data collected at particular sites (can be very large!) Planning of diversification trials / monitoring of impact (scale, richness, evenness, composition) within TM5 (Enhanced utilisation of tree diversity at the landscape level )