Note: in this Powerpoint presentation (in most cases) the SEVIRI images are not inverted, i.e. displayed as solar channels. If a channel is inverted, this is denoted by the small letter "i".
Severe Convection Germany 5 June 2003
Severe Convection MSG-1 5 June 2003 14:45 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8
Click on the image to see the animation ! MSG-1 5 June 2003 12:00 - 14:45 UTC Channel 03 (NIR1.6)
Click on the image to see the animation ! MSG-1 5 June 2003 12:00 - 14:45 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8
New Convective Development Top T. -65°C 10:45 UTC 11:00 UTC 11:15 UTC 11:30 5 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8
New Convective Development Top T. -63°C 14:15 UTC 14:30 UTC 14:45 5 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8
Severe Convection The Netherlands and Germany 8 June 2003
Severe Convection MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8
MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC Channel 12 (HRVIS)
MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC Channel 09i (IR10.8)
MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC Channel 04i (IR3.9)
MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC Channel 03 (NIR1.6)
MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC Channel 06i (WV7.3)
MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8
MSG-1 8 June 2003 11:00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = IR3.9 B = IR10.8
Click on the image to see the animation ! MSG-1 8 June 2003 09:00 - 11:00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8
8 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8 Early Stage Top T. -4°C First Conv. Top T. -23°C First Icing Top T. - 50°C Large Icing Top T. -67°C 09:00 UTC 09:30 UTC 09:45 UTC 10:00 8 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8
8 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8 New Conv. Development 10:45 UTC 11:00 UTC 12:00 UTC 13:00 8 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8
8 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8 Very Early Stage Top T. +12°C First Icing Top T. -51°C Large Icing Top T. -61°C 09:00 UTC 09:30 UTC 10:00 UTC 10:45 8 June 2003, RGB VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8
Severe Convection Germany 13 June 2003
Severe Convection MSG-1 13 June 2003 12:00 UTC RGB Composite R = NIR1.6 G = VIS0.8 B = VIS0.6
Severe Convection MSG-1 13 June 2003 12:00 UTC Channel 12 (HRVIS)
MSG-1 13 June 2003 12:00 UTC Channel 09i (IR10.8)
MSG-1 13 June 2003 12:00 UTC Channel 04i (IR3.9)
MSG-1 13 June 2003 12:00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8
MSG-1 13 June 2003 12:00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8
MSG-1 13 June 2003 12:00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = IR3.9 B = IR10.8
Severe Convection Northern Italy 14 August 2003
MSG-1, 14 August 2003, 13:45 UTC, RGB Composite NIR1.6-VIS0.8-VIS0.6 Severe Convection MSG-1, 14 August 2003, 13:45 UTC, RGB Composite NIR1.6-VIS0.8-VIS0.6
NOAA AVHRR, 14 August 2003, 15:07 UTC, RGB Composite
Convective outflow boundary MSG-1, 14 August 2003, 13:45 UTC, Channel 03 (NIR1.6)
Click on the image to see the animation ! MSG-1, 14 August 2003, 12:00-14:15 UTC, RGB Composite VIS0.6-NIR1.6-IR10.8