Greenville Mental Health Center Hispanic Services Zuly Gonzalez, MSW
Bilingual staff at GMHC Zuly Gonzalez, MSW Angela Garzon, MA Claudia Jaramillo, MA Natasha Patino, BA Brian Marks, BA
Why Hispanic Services? Population size and growth Geographic distribution Current socioeconomic characteristics
Current Population Trends in the Hispanic Population As of July 1, 2006: 44.3 million Hispanics, 14.8% of total population of 299 million Between 2000 and 2006: Hispanics accounted for one-half of the nations growth Hispanic growth rate (24.3%) was more than three times the growth rate of the total population (6.1%)
Top 5 states by Hispanic Growth rate: RankStateGrowth Rate % 1Arkansas60.9 2Georgia59.4 3South Carolina57.4 4Tennessee55.5 5North Carolina54.9
Referrals Self Health Clinics (New Horizons) Greenville Rape Crisis Center Greenville County Sheriffs Office Schools
Common Diagnoses for adults Abuse (physical and/or emotional) Depression Anxiety
Common Diagnoses for children Abuse (physical and/or emotional) Lack of parenting skills Behavioral Disorders Adjustment Disorder Depression/Anxiety
Services Family therapy Individual therapy TCM PMA Interpret/Translate WRAPS
Identification Valid Passport Consulate Registration (Mexicans)
Problems/Concerns Different dialects Cultural sensitivity Legal status Views regarding mental health treatment
Any Questions????
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population estimates July 1,2000 to July 1, 2006.