Guidelines Within Boundaries


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Presentation transcript:

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness Following the steps of FORBEARNACE (Eph. 4:2-6, 2 Tim. 2:24-26, Titus 3:10) Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness Following the steps of FORBEARNACE (Eph. 4:2-6, 2 Tim. 2:24-26, Titus 3:10) Sin Teach/Rebuke (2 Tim. 3:16-17) Reflection – time for serious consideration Reaction – honesty is surfacing or lack thereof Unity Division

Forbearance is when the heart of the false teacher is exposed… “Willing” ignorance (2 Pet. 3:5, Rom. 10:3) “Hardened” delusion (I Tim. 4:2, Rom. 1:21-23, 2 Thess. 2:11) “covetous” deceiving (2 Pet. 2:1-3) A False Teacher is “not honestly mistaken about God’s clear instructions”

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness Imperfect knowledge – Apollos (Acts 18:25-26) Sin Teach/Rebuke (2 Tim. 3:16-17) Reflection – time for serious consideration Reaction – honesty is surfacing or lack thereof Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness “Weak in faith” man (Rom. 14:1-3, 13-15) Sin Teach/Rebuke (2 Tim. 3:16-17) Reflection – time for serious consideration Reaction – honesty is surfacing or lack thereof Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness Good and Evil in some of the seven churches of Asia (Rev. 2:1-3:21) Sin Teach/Rebuke (2 Tim. 3:16-17) Reflection – time for serious consideration Reaction – honesty is surfacing or lack thereof Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness The preacher is friend of a preacher who is a false teacher… Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness The preacher is friend of a preacher who is a false teacher… Sin Do you “believe” the teaching? (cf. Rev. 2:14) Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness The preacher is friend of a preacher who is a false teacher… Sin Do you “believe” the teaching? (cf. Rev. 2:14) Do you “teach” the doctrine that your friend teaches?(cf. 2 Jn. 9-11) Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness The preacher is friend of a preacher who is a false teacher… Sin Do you “believe” the teaching? (cf. Rev. 2:14) Do you “teach” the doctrine that your friend teaches?(cf. 2 Jn. 9-11) Remember you are the Lord’s servant – time for reflection is starting – don’t give him a reason to avoid the truth by your unseemly conduct! Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness The preacher is friend of a preacher who is a false teacher… Sin Do you “believe” the teaching? (cf. Rev. 2:14) Do you “teach” the doctrine that your friend teaches?(cf. 2 Jn. 9-11) Remember you are the Lord’s servant – time for reflection is starting – don’t give him a reason to avoid the truth by your unseemly conduct! Response? Unity Division

You are a new member in an established church… “Two cases in point have occurred in the church…” application of Matt. 19 and I Cor. 7 The First: a man is a Christian deserted by an unbelieving wife, he divorces her, and marries another. Church withdrew from him. The Second: a female suffered a husband leaving her years ago “for a cause unknown to any but himself.” She later became Christian, and obtained a divorce. She married a member of the church here. What will the church do now?

You are a new member in an established church… The Preacher: “There can be no difference in the judgment” among us. Passages clear from Jesus, “while a minister of the circumcision” (Matt. 19:9, 5:32, Lk. 16:18) Paul deals with “the Gentile world”, the unbeliever departs the marriage, the brother or sister is “not in bondage.” Therefore “the marriage covenant is broken, and the believing party is free” (I Cor.7:15).

You are a new member in an established church… The Preacher: Alexander Campbell “There can be no difference in the judgment” among us. Passages clear from Jesus, “while a minister of the circumcision” (Matt. 19:9, 5:32, Lk. 16:18) Paul deals with “the Gentile world”, the unbeliever departs the marriage, the brother or sister is “not in bondage.” Therefore “the marriage covenant is broken, and the believing party is free” (I Cor.7:15). Millennial Harbinger, Vol. 5, page 70-73, Jan. 1834

You are a new member in an established church… What action should you take? Meet with elders and preacher to discuss (Matt. 19:9, I Cor. 7:15). Teaching /Rebuke has begun Reflection: honesty is allowed to surface Response: True harmony-Scriptural Truth prevails, Repentance of teaching and change of belief, or persistence in error divides as it always does – allowing the light to shine (I Cor. 11:19)

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Doctrine of Christ Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Righteousness Face Book Issues…friends with those who hold false doctrines Sin Teach / Rebuke (Acts 18-19, Eph. 5:11) Reflection time (Rev. 2:21, Titus 3:10) Response- turn to obey truth (Acts 19:4-5, or turn from the truth (I Cor. 11:19) Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Doctrine of Christ Servant of the Lord, ARISE… Righteousness Deal with the error closest to you! Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Doctrine of Christ Servant of the Lord, ARISE… Righteousness Deal with the error closest to you! Don’t let the “friend of a friend of a false teacher” situation frustrate you! – It has been tried before (Matt. 22:23-29) Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Doctrine of Christ Servant of the Lord, ARISE… Righteousness Deal with the error closest to you! Don’t let the “friend of a friend of a false teacher” situation frustrate you! – It has been tried before (Matt. 22:23-29) Take the three-fold steps of forbearance: teach/ rebuke, reflection, response Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Doctrine of Christ Servant of the Lord, ARISE… Righteousness Deal with the error closest to you! Don’t let the “friend of a friend of a false teacher” situation frustrate you! – It has been tried before (Matt. 22:23-29) Take the three-fold steps of forbearance: teach/ rebuke, reflection, response You will have done what you could in stopping the leaven of error, as you tried to save a soul, not condemn it! Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Doctrine of Christ Servant of the Lord, ARISE… Righteousness Deal with the error closest to you! Don’t let the “friend of a friend of a false teacher” situation frustrate you! – It has been tried before (Matt. 22:23-29) Take the three-fold steps of forbearance: teach/ rebuke, reflection, response You will have done what you could in stopping the leaven of error, as you tried to save a soul, not condemn it! Honesty will surface or the lack of thereof Sin Unity Division

Guidelines Within Boundaries Do not have Father or Son Darkness Guidelines Within Boundaries Light Doctrine of Christ Servant of the Lord, ARISE… Righteousness Deal with the error closest to you! Don’t let the “friend of a friend of a false teacher” situation frustrate you! – It has been tried before (Matt. 22:23-29) Take the three-fold steps of forbearance: teach/ rebuke, reflection, response You will have done what you could in stopping the leaven of error, as you tried to save a soul, not condemn it! Honesty will surface or the lack of thereof Refusing the truth, one will stand self-condemned while you have to walk away shining as approved of God (I Cor. 11:19) Sin Unity Division