Join us in prayer for Paraguay
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 2 Corinthians 5:14
Convinced of God’s love for all, we believe he has called us to be witnesses of his good news and to make disciples of Jesus Christ where He is least known in Paraguay and around the world. Bringing glory to God as multi-skilled ministry teams, we demonstrate his love amongst those living and dying without him. we talk about how Jesus Christ was crucified and rose again to make us right with God, and share everything God told us to obey. we train believers to serve and lead local churches to grow and spread throughout Paraguay’s interior. we interact with churches to help send his people to where he is calling them to serve.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Rural families depending on subsistence farming Nearly half of Paraguay’s population live in non-urban, dispersed and subsistence communities. A strong preference exists for oral learning in the Guaraní language. By placing missionaries with various skills where Bible-teaching churches do not yet exist, SIM Paraguay seeks to build relationships, serve community needs, and demonstrate Christ’s love for all. Using oral methods, church planting teams can evangelise, disciple and train church leaders, regardless of the leaders’ literacy levels, so that these leaders may know and teach God’s word.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Young churches with young faith Nearly half of Paraguay’s population are under 20 years old, and many evangelical churches are no older. With such a young community, it is critical that these young churches are equipped to teach and disciple the next generation. SIM Paraguay is training both rural and urban church leaders in youth and camp ministry. In addition to local weekend youth activities, Paraguayan youth leaders organise summer and winter camps that bring together young believers from around the country.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Indigenous communities People belonging to most of the 19 distinct indigenous groups in Paraguay live and die with almost no access to God’s good news. SIM Paraguay is addressing this by partnering with other missions to record scriptures and Bible materials in the heart languages of these communities. By sending ministry teams to disciple and train believers from indigenous communities, we pray that as leaders, these indigenous believers will, in turn, effectively convey the gospel to other groups.
Prayer requests from our SIM team ministry teams to demonstrate God’s love for all where Bible teaching churches do not yet exist. effective conversations, teaching and training within young rural churches. Paraguayan believers to be equipped to lead others and organise local ministries. the sending of future Paraguayan missionaries to other countries.
Where could my skills be used? SIM Paraguay has ministries in: Rural church planting Youth ministry Multimedia production Education Leadership training Rural medical care First Nations (indigenous peoples) ministry Missionary services
Thank you for your prayers For more information, prayer resources, or if you are interested in serving, please visit