National implementation on unique device identification for medical devices in Turkey Tuncay BAYRAK, M.Sc. Biomedical Engineer December 2018
COUNTRY OVERVIEW Population ~81 million Hospitals 1600 Market Size (Billion Dollar) 2.3 Total Healthcare Expenditure ratio (%) 6,0 World market ratio (%) 0,7 Import (%) 85,1 Per capita (Dollar) 29,2 Establishments 7475 Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
Total number of staff for medical device departments : 111 HISTORY/BACKGROUND Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TITCK) President Dr. Hakkı Gürsöz Established in 2012 Affiliated agency with MoH Total number of staff for medical device departments : 111 Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
ÜTS PURPOSE TİTUBB-Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Databank 2007 Registration to TİTUBB (Information about product / importers & manufacturers / distributors Barcode based Product Tracking System (ÜTS) (2017) Unique based tracking To keep record of medical devices and cosmetic products To establish a National and Original infrastructure that can keep track of products Patient safety and protection of public health Efficient execution of inspection services Taking rapid measures for possible risks occuring during use of the products provides an infrastructure to track medical devices manufactured or imported to the place where they are sold and used. Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
Single Product Identifier Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
Single Product Traceability Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
ÜTS Timeline - 1 Starting legal proceedings for optical medical devices Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
ÜTS Timeline - 2 Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
ÜTS Tracking Transition Plan MD Class Start Date Optics 11.09.2017 Started AIMD 02.07.2018 Started Class III 01.10.2018 Started Class IIb Planned Class IIa Class I IVDs Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
Statistics As of November 2018: Company QTY Manufacturer/Importer/Dealer 6,300 Healthcare Providers 1,554 Total (including others) 29,315 Total Movement Notification is 140,200,065 only for AIMD + Class III Document QTY EC Certificates 13,849 DoC 95,719 IFU 71,445 Total (including others) 189,965 Product QTY Class I 1,845,790 Class IIa 259,918 Class IIb 460,697 Class III 225,919 IVD 39,871 Total 2,902,134 Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
To Sum Up Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
ÜTS Portal Information about the new versions, training materials, news on workshops conducted and up to date information about the project are published in the portal. Contact Information Tuncay BAYRAK Health Expert, Biomedical Engineer, M.Sc. +903122183250 THANK YOU Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency