Reflexive Verbs & Reflexive Verbs in the Passé Composé Kaitlin Sanders
Conjugating Reflexive Verbs A reflexive verb infinitive is distinguished by its reflexive pronoun se, which is put before the infinitive and that serves as a direct or indirect object pronoun. A reflexive verb shows that the subject is performing the action upon itself. Therefore, the subject and the reflexive pronoun refer to the same person or thing. Par exemple, je m' appelle I call myself, which is translated to My name is. There are some verbs that must always be reflexive, and some verbs that become reflexive by adding the correct object pronoun. Reflexive verbs are always conjugated with the reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject: me (myself), te (yourself), se (himself, herself, itself, themselves), nous (ourselves), and vous (yourself, yourselves).
Reflexive Vern Conjugation- Present Tense (verb: sappeler) SubjectPronounVerb Jeme (m)appelle Tute (t)appelles Il/elle/onse (s)appelle Nousnousappelons Vousvousappelez Ils/elles se (s)appellent
Reflexive constructions have the following translations: Present tense: Je me lave. (I wash myself.) Imperfect tense: Je me lavais. (I was washing [used to] myself.) Future tense: Je me laverai. (I will wash myself.) Conditional: Je me laverais. (I would wash myself.)
The pass é compos é with reflexive verbs Reflexive verbs use être as their helping verb. When the reflexive pronoun is also the direct object, the past participle agrees with the reflexive pronoun. When the reflexive pronoun is the indirect object there is no agreement of the past participle with the reflexive pronoun. EXEMPLES: Il s'est levé à six heures. (He got up at six o'clock.) Elle s'est lavée. (She washed herself.) Elle s'est lavé la figure. (She washed her face.)
Reflexive Verbs When a subject is followed by two verbs, when the first one is conjugated, the second must be in the infinitive, the reflexive pronoun precedes the infinitive, because its meaning is tied to that verb. Exemples: Je vais me dépêcher. (I'm going to hurry.) Il ne va pas se raser. (He's not going to shave.)
The Most Commonly Used Reflexive Verbs sapprocher dese détendrese présenter sarrêter desendormirse promener se baigner se fâcherse rappeler se blessershabillerse raser se bronzersimpatienterse reposer se brûlersinquiéter dese réunir se casser se laverse réveiller se coifferse leverse servir de se coucher se maquiller se tromper se coupler se mettre à se demandersoccuper de se dépêcherse peigner