Do Now Open Lesson 7: Immigration Debate from the 8th Grade Classwork Tab on Scroll to and complete the Do Now Task on the next slide.
Do Now Task Directions: Answer the question below on paper or on a Google Doc: Question: Should there be an English language, literacy, or educational requirement for people wanting to immigrate into the United States?
History of Immigration in America The Chinese Exclusion Act 1882: The first time the U.S. government created a law to exclude immigrants based on race. 1917 Immigration Act: Required immigrants to prove that they had basic reading skills by passing a literacy test. Immigration Act of 1924: Prevented immigration from Asia, set quotas for the number of immigrants from certain areas and provided funding to enforce the act. Donald Trump’s proposed border 2018-Present: Permanent barrier with Mexico in order to enforce legal immigration.
Immigration Vocabulary Immigration: The act of entering a new country that a person was not born in. Illegal Alien: Person who sneaks into a country, without a passport and lives in a country permanently. Reason for Immigration: Better opportunities and better life. Quota: A set number of immigrants that are allowed to come into a country, or a set number of people from specific areas in the world that are allowed to enter a country.
Central Historical Question Which is the best policy for America, open immigration, immigration restrictions, or an immigration ban?
Independent Reading Text: There is a great debate over the role of the Federal government in the regulation or lack of regulation in immigration to America. The people that support open immigration think that U.S. borders should be open to all people from all countries, no matter how many people want to come in. Those that agree with the idea of restricting immigration want the government to allow people to come into America through legal ways with a passport. Restricting immigration is not a ban but a regulated number of people are allowed in. Immigration ban, means certain groups of people from certain countries should not be allowed into America, even if they try to come in legally with a passport and a sponsor. Directions: Read the text and answer the question about immigration: Question: What are the differences between open immigration, immigration restriction, immigration ban?
Sides of the Immigration Debate Open Immigration: All people that desire to come into a country should be allowed in regardless of the number of people, race, educational level, or criminal history. Restricted Immigration: The number of immigrants should be set at a quota. Only immigrants that can read, write, have no criminal record, and come in legally are allowed to stay. Banned Immigration: Immigrants from certain or all countries should be banned and enforced by the Federal government.
The Good and the Bad of Immigration Positives of Open Immigration Negatives of Open Immigration Diverse population leads to the best minds in the world living and working here to invent and educate all. Helps the economy: Take low paying jobs that many native-born Americans don’t want to have. Enhance American culture, sports and entertainment experiences for all . Rise in crime and poverty Illiterate and uneducated people: Lowers education rates. Economic strain: Lowly educated people require more money help from the government. Disrespectful to immigrants to come here legally thru a visa program.
Today’s Task Look at images: of immigration past and present. Claim: Determine whether the image shows open, restricted, or banned immigration to America. Evidence: Use evidence to support your claim for which type of immigration the image shows.
Image Analysis Example Claim: Evidence:
Group A: Travelling Carousel Directions: Those sitting INSIDE the U and by the WINDOW will travel around the room and analyze the images on the walls.
Sitting Image Analysis Group B: Sitting Image Analysis Directions: Those sitting on the OUTSIDE OF THE U will utilize the Immigration Image Attachment and a partner to complete your claims and evidence sheet.
Whole Group Share Which image was the most challenging to make a claim for and or use evidence to support? What are the current public feelings on immigration?
Engrade Debate Your Task: Go to Engrade and click DISCUSSIONS. Click on the Immigration Debate and answer the controversial question below using the support of 2 images. Central Historical Question: Which is the best policy for America, open immigration, immigration restrictions, or an immigration ban? How to answer the Question?
Tips for the Online Debate How to answer the Question? Start off with stating and summarizing the 3 sides of the debate (Example: “There are people that support immigration bans, restricted immigration and open immigration in America.” Transition to and state your claim: The immigration policy that is best for America is ___________________. Use 2-3 pieces of evidence to support your claim