Nutrition During The Teen Years


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Presentation transcript:

Nutrition During The Teen Years By: Mr. Fahler

Nutrition The Process by which the body takes in and uses food.

What influences effect your Nutrition? Write down 3 influences that effect your eating positively or negatively.

Importance of Good Nutrition Enhances your quality of life and helps prevent disease Calories (kilocalories)- are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body. Nutrients- substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.

Hunger/Appetite Know the difference between your physical need for food, and your psychological desire for food. Hunger- an unlearned, inborn response, is a natural physical drive that protects you from starvation. Appetite- is a desire, rather than a need, to eat. When your stomach is empty, its walls contract, stimulating nerve endings. The nerve signals your brain that your body needs food. Give an example of socially eating.

Emotions and Food Do you eat more or less when stressed, frustrated or depressed. Comfort Food Rewarding yourself with food, when you complete a goal. Boredom can cause people to over eat.

Food and Your Environment Family, Friends, and Peers Cultural and Ethnic backgrounds Convenience and Cost Advertising Think of how your environment effects your eating. Family, Friends, and Peers - What they eat you eat. Your mom or dad cooks for you. Your friends eat out a lot Cultural and Ethnic back grounds- religious beliefs, pastas in Italian families Convenience- organic and healthy foods are more expensive Advertising- Fast food and restaurants constantly on commericials. 2 for 20 meals at applebees.

Healthy Eating Provides you with the nutrients you need for growth and development Prevents unhealthful weight gain, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Lowers risk of developing heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and osteoporosis.

Freshman 15 Video Option A This one has humor to it but may not be appropriate shows beer in the song. I know one of my peers showed it at State College High School but I wanted to check with you first. Only want to show one of the two. G

Option B Web Md Article? Read The Freshman 15 article from Web Md

Eating on your own. One more year till you graduate Eating is your choice now. Write a 250 word essay, how you plan on eating healthy and maintaining your weight. Give your own opinion and examples to back them up. 5 points for 250 words or more 5 points for spelling and correctness ( -1 for every 3 mistakes)