The Legacy of Ancient China
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The Silk Roads During the Han Dynasty only the Chinese knew how to make silk. It was a desired luxury fabric by the Chinese and people outside of China. Silk was so valuable at one time it was worth the same as gold. Silk was important in opening trading routes to the west.
A Trans-Eurasian Link Overland trade routes were called Silk Roads because traders carried silk and other goods on caravan trails. Trails went from China through central Asia to Mesopotamia and Europe. Because trails went through 2 continents, Europe and Asia they were called trans-Eurasian. Goods transported from China were: silk, paper, and pottery. Goods coming from West: sesame seeds and oil, metals, precious stones, and horses.
Cultural Diffusion Ideas and cultural customs also moved on the Silk Roads. The spread of ethnic ideas and customs to other areas or the world is called cultural diffusion. Ideas and Customs that spread to China: central Asian military methods, Buddhism, and western culture styles. Chinese art, silks, and pottery influenced western culture.
Chinese Inventions and Discoveries Agricultural Improvements China had a large population and thus many people to feed. Because agriculture was so important in China, most of the really important inventions in that period came about in agriculture. They created a better plow and farm tools to help increase crop production. Invented a collar harness which allowed horses to pull heavy loads. The wheelbarrow made it easier for farmers to move heavy loads by hand. Watermills used river power to grind grain.
Paper In A.D. 105, paper was invented in China. Prior to that books were made out of costly silk. Paper was much more inexpensive. It was made of: old rags, mulberry tree bark, and fibers from hemp plants. The paper books helped Chinese to value learning even more. Paper was important to the government to keep records.
Silk It was a beautiful and long-lasting fabric. It can be dyed brilliant colors. Since it was rare, it was an excellent trade product. Silk allowed the Chinese to get silver and gold from lands west of China. Gold and silver were important to trade for because China did not have rich deposits of either mineral.
Other Chinese Inventions Gunpowder – fireworks! Chopsticks Medicine – acupuncture Earthquake detector - (seismograph) Printing Compass Chinese Martial Arts – kung fu