WELCOME! Get papers & an index card from the front table. 1st Only: Copy your schedule into your notebook. Write the following on the index card: Name Address Name of parent or guardian. Home and cell phones for you and your parents. Fill out Student Information sheet.
Print your name at the bottom of the Parent Letter Return next time for a grade! 12/10 or 10/10 or 0/10 You will have a TEST on the Class Information, Procedures and Policies tomorrow. Yes, this is for points. NEED TO KNOW: Class supplies: Paper, pencils, pens, flash drive, Highlighter. $5 fee (not now.) Do not talk while I am talking. Cell phones = DETENTION; Unless otherwise told.
Computer Science How to sign up for Mrs. Sermons’ Remind101 service: 81010 @64hc38 You will get a text back requesting your name-this is so that I will know who has signed up.
WEEBLY: Access by typing tcsermons.weebly.com into the web address bar. No http, no www. Go to it tonight and complete the survey (Must note your class period!) 12/10 points. This is one of the few assignments that you can turn in late, however, it will be worth 10/10. If not done by Friday, then 0/10. Take advantage of all extra points that you can! This PowerPoint will be posted on WEEBLY. I expect you to access it and read it tonight. PASS UP YOUR CARD AND INFO SHEET.
First Day Info: Know Class Expectations. -Tardies: FEET—DOOR—BELL! -When I ring the Bell? IMMEDIATELY STOP!!!!! Do your own programming and protect your intellectual property. Sharing work is grounds for a ZERO grade for BOTH parties. Ask about sports/other after school activities makeups. Tutoring catching up can be done daily, but check with me. Make-ups: Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning. Check supply requirements.
Seating arrangements are assigned. Cell phones NO!-keep the purses off the desk. DO NOT TOUCH THE THERMOSTAT. I keep it cool, wear layers. NO Food, NO Phones. Place backpacks and purses on the floor or under your desk. Water only and it should be placed at the front of the classroom. Don’t go behind projector, desk, etc. Don’t put up early or line up at the door.
Use your LEGAL NAME. I love to get pictures of students. Please give me one, if you have spares! Get a hall pass to go to the restroom, get water, or leave the room for any reason. Please, go and come right back! Behave honorably. Do not violate testing procedures, copy homework, etc. Your personal honor is the only thing that no one else can take from you. Please make a polite request of any teacher for references and recommendations. This is a gift. Be courteous and say “Thank you.”
Welcome to Computer Science! My goal? To teach you to think. (And we will learn along the way.) Your goal? Besides learning to think—is to keep me happy! My favorite quote? “Choices create circumstances”. Welcome to Computer Science!
Active Learning Assignment: I. Writing on a separate piece of paper (graded): 1. Write a small narrative about your technology experience. Reference any incidents (one paragraph.) II. Bring back signature on the Parent Letter (graded). III. Take the Weebly Survey (Class Period!) (graded). IV. Sign up for REMIND (graded) V. Study for your test on Class Rules, Policies, and Procedures (graded.)