Doc.A6465/14/03 Doc.A6465/14/26 Ag.15 A65 Method Manual


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Presentation transcript:

Doc.A6465/14/03 Doc.A6465/14/26 Ag.15 A65 Method Manual Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 24th & 25th March 2014

Current manual adopted 2008 and 2011 March 2008 A65WG : Main text Appendices 1-4 (SRQ, calculation example, guidelines on interpretation of remuneration, clarification of definitions) March 2011 A65WG: Appendix 5 (control indicators)

Why update in 2014? Some reasons… Event Reference Sept. 2011 A65WG methodology discussion (summary of simulations) A65/11-B/03 Mar. 2012 Follow-up discussions at A65WG A65/12/10 European Statistics Code of Practice KS-32-11-955-EN Mar. 2013 Lessons from 2012 A65 exercise A65/13/08 Jun. 2013 OJ publication of ESA2010 Reg.549/2013 Oct. 2013 Amendment to Staff Regulations reg.1023/2013 Mar. 2014 Lessons from 2013 A65 exercise A6465/14/05

Sample and closing date Increase from EU8 to EU11, to reflect new approach 1023/2013, but continue to collect comparative information from remaining Member States. Same closing date for all countries (EU28)

Updates and reference population Central government: from ESA95 to ESA2010. Public administration: from NACE rev.1 ("L") to rev.2 ("O"). Excluded occupations: from ISCO88 to ISCO2008. Clarify "permanent". SRQ to include central government staff number if ESA2010 transmission does not, to improve calculation of control indicator.

New function group and Joint Index 3. Remuneration data Collect information for new AST/SC grade. Clarify income situation of spouse and dependent children. Include requirement for worked example calculation. Update example SRQ in appendix. 4. Inflation in headquarters duty stations Replace BII with hybrid of BE HICP and LU CPI weighted by EU staff numbers in BXL and LUX ("Joint Index"). Reflects new approach 1023/2013. See separate (A64) manual.

Calculation method, automatic application and publication 5. Calculation of specific indicator Update content of example tables. Clarify rounding policy. Add example of annual adjustment calculation. 6. Automatic application Replaces ordinary legislative procedure. Publication within 20 days of Commission report. Reflects new approach 1023/2013. Publication on Eurostat website  Question to WG

Moderation clause 7. Moderation clause Describe data source and evaluation process, in order to reflect new approach 1023/2013. GSI capped by ± 2% Remainder of GSI applied as of April of the following year Not applicable if exception clause applies

Exception clause (1) 8. Exception clause Decrease in real Union GDP and GSI is positive  deferred and split update, subject to formula If gap between forecast of GDP and final data of GDP  retroactive adjustments Union GDP GSI Second payment -0.1% to -1% 33%; 67%; 1 April of year t+1 -1% to -3% 0%; 100%; Below -3% 0% -

Exception clause (2) Recovery of remaining amount if GDP becomes positive again Eurostat to measure Union GDP for this purpose

Intermediate adjustment, duration Add appendix with proforma reply sheet. Threshold for intermediate adjustment: 3% 10. Unlimited duration From 1.1.2014 to 31.12.2023 and beyond. Technical review report before modification.

Questions to WG In accordance with Code of Practice Planned publication of data on Eurostat website Joint Index Global Specific Indicator Specific indicator for each country Also ancillary data