class news Miss Sherrod’s and Mrs. Spruill’s Week of: February 25 – mar. 1, 2019 A Note from the Teacher This Week is Dr. Seuss Week: Monday: “The Cat in the hat” wear a hat day Tuesday: “Fox in Socks” wear crazy socks Wednesday: “Wacky Wednesday” WEAR WACKY AND MISMATCHED CLOTHES THURSDAY: “Oh, The places you’ll go” – wear something that shows somewhere you have been before Friday: Happy birthday dr.seuss – dress up like your favorite dr. seuss character What’s Happening in... Our theme this week`is dr.seuss We will be reading the foot book and students will measure objects around the classroom with their feet. Students will explore oobleck from the Lorax. Students will create what they would do if they were cat in the hat. Oliver THE octopus orders only olives. Thank You, Miss Sherrod SherrRa@BOE.Richmond.K12.Ga.US