How to add and subtractions with different denominators Fractions How to add and subtractions with different denominators
Fractions: Review Example Parts Addition Subtraction Division multiplication
Fractions: Different Denominators The least common denominator or LCD of two fractions is the smallest number than can be divided by both denominators
Fractions with different denominators To find the least common denominator, you will divide both the numerator and the denominator by their least common factor
Example: 3 / 4 + 1/ 6 = ? What is common to both 4 and 6? You are right, it is 12 ¾=9/12 1/6=2/12 9/12 + 2/12= 11/12
Finding the LCD
Instructions: samples
Scoring Rubric Your Rubric Math - Problem Solving Fun with Fractions.mht
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The End I do hope that you enjoyed this journey with fractions. Remember practice your problems often. Take time to apply real world situations to your work. Good Bye!!