Welcome! H-E-I and Place
Human-Environment Interaction This theme covers how humans adapt to and modify their environment. Humans shape the landscape through their interaction with the land; this has both positive and negative effects on the environment. People change the environment to better suit their needs.
Human-Environment Interaction Since there is no perfect place for humans to live, the environment in certain areas presents humans with challenges they must adapt to. Wearing clothing to protect them from weather, growing specific crops in certain lands, buildings are built to withstand certain weather patterns.
Human-Environment Interaction Humans have adapted to their environment in multiple ways: Building dams for power and reservoirs, constructing buildings for living and working in.
Place We look at places based on what is there (buildings, trees, streets, cars, street signs, weather, etc.). You describe places using two things: physical features and human features. Physical is what is already there: trees, mountains, climate. Human is what is man-made: buildings, streets, bridges.
The Lorax http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soRbNlPbHEo
The Lorax Discussion Questions What was the land of the Lorax like before the Once-Ler arrived? How does the Once-ler’s business hurt the land of the Lorax? What happened to the animals as the business started to thrive? How could things be different if the Once-Ler listened to the Lorax? Now that the Once-Ler has cut down trees, how might the environment might be affected?