Doctrine: Armed Forces Chaplaincy United States Air Force Doctrine-Overall guidance for Air Force (AFR 105-104/105 ) United Army Doctrine-Overall guidance for the Army (AR 165-1 Roles and Responsibilities of the Chaplaincy United States Navy-Overall guidance for the Navy chaplaincy (SECNAV 1703. 7D/ PNC Guide)
What is Military Doctrine? Comes from the Latin Term Doctrina (means to teach) A set of principles which guides an organization in how to interact with a wider environment. Varies from branch to branch. Geoffery Sloan, Military doctrine, command philosophy and the generation of fighting power: genesis and theory International Affairs 88: 2, 2012 International Affairs 88: 2, 2012, 244.
What is Military Doctrine? Talk about the Tiger Team developing Doctrine AR 165-1. J. S. Sauboorah, ‘The articulation of war: an assessment of British military doctrine’, PhD thesis, University of Reading, 2009, 3.
Doctrine Describes (but does not prescribe), how the Armed Forces Chaplaincy conducts, facilitates, provides for religious support. Must be detailed enough to provide meaningful guidance, yet flexible enough to allow chaplaincy to include commanders to exercise initiative when dealing with specific situations Rooted in time-tested principles but must be forward- looking and adaptable to changing technologies, threats, and missions (A bridge between thought and action) To be useful, doctrine must be well known and commonly understood Disseminated through policies, manuals, instructions and other publications through the professional military education system The reason it is not prescription is so that it does not funnel down into dogma.
Full Spectrum Operations No formula exists for applying landpower. No rote, by-the-book approach can succeed. Each campaign and major operation requires varying combinations of the elements of full spectrum operations appropriate to the situation. Defense Stability Offense Defense Stability Offense Offense Defense Stability Defense Stability Offense Stability Offense Defense Operational experience has caused us to completely relook the way we view stability operations. Stability includes five basic types: Civil security: Safeguarding the populace from serious external and internal threats Civil control: Regulating the behavior and activity of individuals and groups Essential services: Support required to allow populace to function with acceptable risks to health and well-being Governance: Higher control functions that include taxation, wealth distribution, maintenance of security, control and essential services, normalizing means of succession of power Support economic and infrastructure development: Direct and indirect military assistance to local, regional, and national economic activity and long term infrastructure development (next slide) Full spectrum operations
Air Force, Navy, Army Purpose (Chaplaincy) Air Force Chaplaincy: Purpose The Air force Chaplain Corps provides Spiritual care and the opportunity for Airmen, their families, and other authorized personnel to exercise their constitutional right to the free exercise of religion. This is accomplished through religious observances, providing pastoral care, and advising leadership on spiritual, ethical, moral, morale, core values, and religious accommodation issues. Chaplain Corps personnel conduct needs assessment based upon the commander’s mission requirements in order to plan and execute religious programs. Army Chaplaincy: Purpose All Chaplain provide for the nurture and practice of religious beliefs, traditions, and customs n a pluralistic environment to strengthen the spiritual lives of Soldiers and their families. Chaplains conduct the religious programs and activities for the Command and provide professional advice and counsel on religious, moral, and ethical issues. -Nurture the living -Care for the wounded -Honor the fallen Navy Chaplaincy: Purpose PNC is the means by which the Navy facilitates the free exercise of religion by ensure that religious ministry is offered in a professional manner that does not have an adverse impact on military readiness, individual or unit readiness, unit cohesion, health and safety, discipline, or mission accomplishment. It is the vehicle by which the Chaplain Corps (CHC) meets validated religious ministry requirements through the delivery of its four core capabilities: -Facilitate religious requirements -Provide faith-specific ministries -Care for service members -Advise the command