Agenda *Film Clip Friday: Coin Toss (tone) *Vocab 8 Pic Quiz *Quiz, Acts III & IV *Read Othello, Act V HW: Keep up with Othello and Iago charts
Reminders 3-8-19 Vocab Unit 8 Othello Quiz, Acts III and IV – today Pic Quiz, today Full Quiz, Friday, March 15 Othello Quiz, Acts III and IV – today Upcoming: Othello In Class Essay, Monday, 3/18 Othello M.C. Unit Test, Tuesday, 3/19 Need a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns by Monday, 3/18
Film Clip Friday SEE HEAR FEEL BELIEVE Create a chart like this one No Country for Old Men (2007) Questions: What is the tone of this scene? Consider the role of non-diegetic and diegetic sound. How does the director use this? (i.e. to what effect?)
Quizzes: Othello Quiz, Acts III & IV Vocab Pic Quiz 8 When done, work on your independent reading book. Info about assignment coming Monday!
Othello act v, scene 1