Welcome 32nd Executive Committee Meeting Daejeon, Korea, 17-18th October, 2007
Progress Report (GHG/07/37) Overview: Increasing demands Need to focus resources effectively Having to turn down appearance requests Administrative changes To be reported by Operating Agent Participation Continued strong interest Wider issues need to include: Potential capacity Availability of primary energy source Overall environmental impact – safety, social factors, sustainability
Membership (1): Austria Membership formalities are complete. Austria is represented by: Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) Wienstrom GmbH
Membership (2): OPEC OPEC The IEA’s CERT has now approved OPEC’s Membership OPEC has been sent the signature page of the Implementing Agreement to sign CERT - Committee on Energy Research and Technology
Membership (3): CEZ CEZ has applied to be a Sponsor of IEA GHG. Moves to encourage Czech country membership were not successful Members have been canvassed and no objections received. ACTION: Members are asked to unanimously approve CEZ’s participation as a Sponsor in IEA GHG
Membership (4): ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips has applied to be a Sponsor of IEA GHG. Members have been canvassed and no objections received. ACTION: Members are asked to unanimously approve ConocoPhillip’s participation as a Sponsor in IEA GHG
Membership (5): Spain Spain has applied to join the IEA GHG programme Spain is a former Member Spain would be represented by CIUDEN (Fundación Ciudad de la Energía) ACTION: Members are asked to unanimously approve Spain’s participation as a Contracting Party in the IEA GHG Implementing Agreement.
Membership (6): Others South Africa / SANERI / Anglo CHINA GREECE Discussions have been held with both SANERI (South African Energy Research Institute) and Anglo American. They have made a joint approach to SA’s Department of Minerals and Energy proposing Membership of IEA GHG. CHINA Was due to send an Observer who cancelled due to pressure of other activities. GREECE Has shown interest a meeting with Government officials is planned for later this year.
Studies Slight improvement in number of votes received Suggesting 4 new studies Presenting 2 completed studies
Communications & Development Recent developments: Scientific CCS Journal Student Summer School More International Research Networks More liaison/joint activities
Capacity building APEC meetings in China & India CCS Africa initiative Senegal & Botswana IEA GHG propose: Ad-hoc participation in initiatives by others Targeted seminars as requested by Members Student participation in GHGT & Summer school Secondments to IEA GHG Up-date APEC package for member use ACTION: Members are asked to approve this approach to capacity building
African CCS-CDM workshops Supported by: Statoil, Norway, ECN, Shell, UK BERR, + others 2 workshops: Dakar, Senegal Gaborone, Botswana Over 110 participants from 22 countries Good interest from South Africa and Botswana who had potential near-term CCS opportunities.
Strategic Plan & Operating Phases Members’ views are sought on the Strategic Plan and Work Programme. Current Phase (5) ends November 2009. Phases are not mandatory. IEA Mandate for IEA GHG runs to December 2011. IA & Annex describes scope & objectives. Broad guidelines & regular ExCo’s enable IEAGHG to be responsive to developments. Members have many different interests. Nature of work changing.