MYRIAD, ARIAL OR KNOCKOUT 36-48pt UPPERCASE Tips: (Remove this box before saving your final version.) Please keep text left aligned. Try to stay within the workspace area of the width of this text box as a guide. When possible, title slides and headers set in colour: Red 112, Green 98, Blue 88 by selecting the “More colours…” option and entering the #s. Header font: Knockout 34 Sumo when available. Sub: Myriad/Myriad Pro, Helvetica, Arial. Uppercase when possible. Adjust font size accordingly to ensure best fit, between 36 – 48 pt. Subtitles, etc.: Minion/Minion Pro when available. Sub: Times/Times New Roman. More important subs should be in uppercase and spacing can be adjusted to “loose” while other subs can remain Sentence or Titlecase with normal spacing. Avoid placing any content in the white footer whenever possible. URLs and shorted contact information can be placed here, left aligned, ensuring no text encroaches on the U of M crest. Use the whitespace to the right of the crest as a guide as to how much space should be left to the left when adding text or other logos within the footer. For title slides, try to keep all copy visually centred between the top and bottom, as per the example included. Keep any and all content within the grey gradient box. Note the top and right hand edges and try to maintain the left margin set by the example text below. (Which is equal to the margin to the right.) Set in Minion/Minion Pro when available. Sub: Times 14-18pt MYRIAD, ARIAL OR KNOCKOUT 36-48pt UPPERCASE SUBTITLE: UPPERCASE, LOOSE SPACING 18-20pt
MYRIAD, ARIAL OR KNOCKOUT 36-48pt UPPERCASE Set in Minion/Minion Pro when available. Sub: Times 14-18pt
MYRIAD, ARIAL OR KNOCKOUT 36-48pt UPPERCASE Set in Minion/Minion Pro when available. Sub: Times 14-18pt