What it should mean to you… Spiritual Wellness What it should mean to you…
The Wellness Concept Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. Process means that improvement is always possible. Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve. Choices means that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest. Success is determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments. http://www.definitionofwellness.com/
Dimensions of Wellness Social Emotional Environmental Physical Intellectual Vocational Spiritual
Dimensions of Spiritual Wellness Spiritual wellness is a unique connection between the mind, body, and spirit For example: A person does not necessarily have to be religious to have a meaning or purpose in life It is okay for a person who is spiritually involved to still ask questions such as “Why” or “What If”. A person who increases their spirituality often increases their emotional wellness.
Being Spiritual Involves looking at your life with a purpose or meaning. It is about finding your inner peace and balancing personal experiences such as love, hope, despair, and anger. It requires time, attention, and commitment
How to Achieve Spiritual Wellness Explore values and beliefs Accept other’s views Make time for relaxation Comfort family and friends Meditate Attend charitable events Appreciate and enjoy nature
What impacts spiritual wellness? Practices Meditation basics Prayer Journaling Guided meditations Personal faith Personal Relationships Your Self - finding a purpose in life Family – maintaining open communication and loving relationships in a healthy home life Friends – having a proper support network and socialization with others
Physiological Response The following conditions of the body are positively affected by being spiritually well: Cardiovascular Disease Hypertension Ulcers Stress Depression
Spiritual Activities at GVS Filling Easter Eggs Easter Egg Hunt Bible Study Maundy Thursday Communion Vespers Crown Hill Trip Holy Week Prayer Vigil Monday Resident Bible Study Red Hatter Trip to Noel Sanctuary Volunteering