Write your name here Write your stress address Your City, State and zipcode Write the company name here Street address City, state Zipcode To Whom It May Concern, My name is [write your name here]. I am a [write your age] year old student who attends [write your school name here]. I am excited to apply at [write company name here] for the [which position? Cashier? Greeter?] position. I heard about this job from [explain how you heard about this job]. People say that I am [list 3 good examples of your personality – (Hardworking? Patient? Kind?)]. I would be a good fit for your company because [write some strengths here and any other reason why they should hire you]. I am able to start working [write the date you can start] and can work [weekends? Nights?]. I am attaching my resume with this cover letter. Please take some time to review it. I would love to meet in person and go over any questions you may have. Feel free to call or email me at [write your phone number] and [write your email address]. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks again for your time. [After you print this, SIGN HERE with a pen!] [Your Name Typed] [Today’s Date] Optional: Insert Picture Here Today’s Date Your Name Student Contact Information Your Address City, State Zipcode 123-456-7890 Your email address
Tips If students are having trouble viewing the text on the cover letter, adjust the ZOOM option. Make sure students change only the GREEN text. Once it is edited, have them change all the font to BLACK to have it match with everything!