Undulator Scope, Management, Organization


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Presentation transcript:

Undulator Scope, Management, Organization Stephen Milton, ANL/APS

Outline Undulator System Scope Overall Organization Management Status of L3 Items Summary

Undulator Hall Schematic Baseline Layout

Responsibilities for the Undulator System ANL L2 Undulator System Management L3 at ANL Undulators, Quadrupoles, Primary Adjustable Supports Undulator System Diagnostics Undulator System Vacuum System Undulator System Controls

MMF Lay-out

Responsibilities for the Undulator System L3 at SLAC Magnet Measurement Facility (MMF) Fixed Supports

Laboratory Relationship and L3 Organization APS J.M. Gibson Assoc. Lab. Director LCLS Undulator S. Milton Project Director LCLS Project J. Galayda Project Director Accel. Systems. Div. R. Gerig Division Director D. Walters Vacuum/Diagnostics CAM Exp. Facilities Div. E. Gluskin Division Director M. White Magnet Systems CAM R.Ruland/MMF J. Welch/Fixed Support CAMs APS Operations Div. W. Ruzicka Division Director J. Stein Controls CAM

LCLS Undulator System PED Org. (Present) SLAC/AIM S. Milton LCLS Undulator Sys. F. Coose, Project Analyst F. Clark, PMCS ANL Indirect Support P. Mast PMCS Manager As needed D. Walters Vacuum/Diagnostics CAM M. White Magnet Systems CAM J. Stein Controls CAM J. Bailey, ME (NE) S.H. Lee, ME B.X. Yang, Phy I. Vasserman, Phy R. Dejus, Phy E. Traktenberg, ME G. Lawrence, ME E. Moog, Phy SLAC B. Dalesio This is not a complete list as we have drawn heavily from others within ANL and SLAC, but at a lower fraction than those listed SLAC R. Ruland Mag. Meas. Fac. J. Welch Fixed Support Interfaces

FTEs for the Undulator System 25 Max Scale 4 Max Scale ~17A/6S ~15A/7S ~12A/10S ~6A ~3A/1S Splits between ANL (A) and SLAC (S) are shown above This year ANL tapped into 24 different people from 4 different divisions to perform the work We will ramp up the amount we use these people next year APS is giving LCLS top priority in resource allocation Move to management section talk. SC3. Reconciled to April of 04 Ramp up not as bad as it seems Include an org. chart instead.

Ramp Up Plan of Action ANL/APS Project Management Argonne has recently established an Office of Project Management APS has a formalized Project Management System that encompasses all project large and small The LCLS project has been integrated into this system and has been assigned top priority Biweekly Meetings are held with Murray Gibson (the APS Director) (Provided we are both in town) These lead in to DD meetings and resource allocation Past Actions/Performance Last December/January we needed additional resources assigned. A letter was sent to Gibson requesting people. A meeting with the Division Directors was held. Additional resources were assigned to the project as per the request Future Actions We are using the P3 resource loaded schedule to define and broadcast our needs for future resources. With this in hand we will use a similar method as described above to obtain the required resources to complete the project as per the plan.

Labor vs. M&S Move over to breakout Give examples M&S dominates the distribution due to the limited number of unique items being produced and the large quantity of each item.

Undulator System Critical Path (1 of 3) Undulator Delivery Assembly Path FY06 Funding Goes in breakout Total Float = 164 days Driven by FY06 Construction Funding

Undulator System Critical Path (2 of 3) Undulator Delivery Assembly Path

Undulator System Critical Path (3 of 3) NOV 07 SEPT 08

Final Design, Plans, Issues associated with Procurement Complete Final Design Review Scheduled for Sept. 16 – 17 Plans and Issues Associated with Procurement Procure LLP Items Ti Strongback Magnets Magnet Poles Have a 1st article assembled in industry prior to going out for full production 1st article undulators are not in the baseline for FY05; however, awarding them in FY05 to coincide with delivery of first lot of long-lead items significantly reduces the undulator schedule risk. Issues Receiving the BA early enough to purchase all the Ti in one fiscal year Moving forward in FY05 with the 1st article Additional Details found in M. White’s Talk Move to breakout Add a last slide summary Major accomplishments Requiremnts approved Review of Baselined cost and schedule Ready to go Back awhile talk about key issues Tight thermal and alignment issues Finalize with key issues and risks over next year Action plan summarize

Other Items Not Found in Other Talks Diagnostics RF BPMs We have not done any additional work on RF BPMs this year. The budget was not sufficient for this. We are relying on work performed by the NLC collaboration that shows that the RF BPMs have resolution sufficient to meet the needs of the LCLS. We are also relying on the fact that the people that did this earlier work are at SLAC and are willing to contribute to the LCLS effort when called upon. Some additional studies of BPM systems are being carried out by other members of the LCLS group at SLAC. Quadrupole Focusing Permanent Magnet vs. Electromagnet Designs We are currently studying the pros and cons of using EM quadrupoles rather than PM quadrupoles Strength variation of EM quads can be used to validate the beam-based alignment process but… …so can moving a permanent magnet quadrupole out of the path of the beam provided it can be placed back exactly where it was to start with. There are cost tradeoffs as well. We need this decision soon (within 2 months)

Other Items Not Found in Other Talks Integration of the Complete Undulator System This is an excellent idea…but we need to work on it more. The budget was not sufficient for this. SLAC Undulator Integration Engineer SLAC will be hiring someone soon to be our point of contact for a smooth integration of our undulator system into SLAC Undulator System Deputy A deputy will be added to the Undulator System Team The Deputy’s duties will include system and engineering integration.

Summary We understand the scope We have a plan We are organized to carry out that plan We have the internal support we need to perform the plan Through success in this review we will obtain the external support needed to perform and carry out the plan