Line Symmetry Shape has line symmetry when one half of it is the mirror image of the other half. How would you define the term 'line symmetry'? Why might some people see line symmetry as a thing of beauty? Symmetry exists all around us and many people see it as being a thing of beauty.
Is a butterfly symmetrical?
Examples of line symmetry This type of symmetry is also called reflectional symmetry as the two parts reflect/match along each side of a dividing line ( or axis ).
Animals that have Line Symmetry Here are a few more great examples of mirror image in the animal kingdom.
This photograph shows 2 lines of symmetry This photograph shows 2 lines of symmetry. One vertical, the other along the waterline. (Notice how the prayer towers, called minarets, are reflected in the water and side to side).
Line Symmetry If a shape can be folded in half so that one half fits exactly on top of the other, then we say that the shape has line symmetry. The fold is called a line of symmetry. This shape has a vertical line of symmetry.
Line Symmetry in the Alphabet Which letters have lines of symmetry? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lines of Symmetry all around us Which of these road signs have lines of symmetry?