Food Chains in the Water By Ms. Joy Most photos from:
What is a food chain?
A food chain is a group of living things that eat each other to survive.
Sound gross?!?
Food chains are VERY important.
So what do food chains look like in the salty ocean?
Small and medium fish eat the seaweed and kelp.
Then, bigger fish eat the medium fish.
Sometimes, birds, like pelicans, eat the fish.
Sometimes, big fish, like sharks eat the fish.
Sharks, sea lions, and killer whales eat the birds.
So what about lakes, ponds and rivers?
Again, small fish and other small animals eat the plants that live in the water.
Small fish and other small animals also eat insects.
Sometimes birds, like herons, eat the fish.
Even large turtles, like snapping turtles, will eat the fish.
Snapping turtles will even eat young ducklings.
Bears that live along the rivers like to eat the larger fish.
So, why are these food chains important?
If part of the food chain disappears, then some animals will not have enough to eat.
We need to protect the earth in order to protect our food chains.
We can all help and do our part!