Radiation Protection Handbook Sigrid Kozielski Group leader for radiation protection www.europeanspallationsource.se 29 May, 2019
The ESS Radiation Protection Handbook Prepared by the RPE with members of the RP group Approved by the Associate Director ESH&Q Documented in CHESS document management system Visible on intranet (confluence) web pages of the radiation protection group Addressed to all ESS staff, contractors and visitors on-site Chapter 1: Policy, Responsibilities and Quality Chapter 2: Radiation Protection Rules Chapter 3: ALARA Chapter 4: Work with ionising radiation Chapter 5: Radioactive Materials Chapter 6: Dosimetry Chapter 7: Radiation Monitoring Chapter 9: Shielding Chapter 10: Radiation Safety Interlock Systems Chapter 11: Trainings and qualifications Chapter 12: Emergency Preparedness 2
Released chapters Five chapters are currently approved and ”released”and part of the SSM license in the Management System for Commissioning of Ion source and handling of sealed radioactive sources. ESS-0304902 Description of relevant ESS Management System for test of ion source and sealed radiation sources. Chapter 1: Policy, Responsibilities and Quality Chapter 2: Radiation Protection Rules Chapter 4: Work with ionising radiation Chapter 5: Radioactive Materials Chapter 7: Radiation Monitoring 3
RP Handbook Communication Safety Readiness Review meetings (Also Pre and Post) Local Rules for Radiation Areas Management system Regular Safety Monitoring tours Information at Divisional meetings on specific topics Safety Training People organisation Facility Ways of working With reference to relevant procedures for Operation Safety and Radiation Protection Quality
RP Handbook Chapter 1 Outlines The legal framework for radiation protection The responsibilities with reference to ESS Top level description (ESS-0267072) Functional description of Radiation Protection Group (ESS- 0298187) Basic principles of radiation protection with reference to General Safety Objectives (ESS-0000004) Compliance Quality
Functional description Radiation Protection Group ESS Document “Functional description for the Radiation Protection Group” (ESS-0298187) The Radiation Protection Group provides expertise and services in radiation protection Is in charge of the Radiation Protection Handbook, which outlines the regulatory frame work for matters of radiation protection Protecting people on the ESS site and the public from ionising radiation hazards linked to ESS activities.
RP Handbook Chapter 2 Outlines the General Radiation Protection Rules, in particular Dose limits and Dose Restrictions Categorisation of workers and radiological areas Radiography Barriers and signs The current GSO is followed and it states in Non-designated area 1. In non-designated areas, air and surface contamination may not occur in addition to natural background activity. 2. At permanent workplaces, the annual effective dose should not exceed 50 mSv. 3. At non-permanent workplaces, the dose rate shall not exceed 0.5 mSv/h.
RP Handbook Chapter 2 The chapter points to other ESS approved documents, e.g. ESS General Safety Objectives (ESS-0000004) ESS Rules for Radiation Work Permit and implementation of ALARA in operation (ESS-0150296) ESS Instruction for Radiography on site (ESS-0225571) Definition of Supervised and Controlled Radiation Areas (ESS-0001786) ESS Rules for Medical Examination (ESS-0052868)
RP Handbook Chapter 4 Outlines work with ionising radiation Main content for current operations are: Planning Risk Assessments and Readiness Review for Safety Posting Documentation and archiving Reporting of events
RP Handbook Chapter 4 Outlines work with ionising radiation Including for designated areas (such as the Test Stand) : Controls Local Rules Protective Equipment in designated areas Access requirements and controls
Ion source and LEBT beam commissioning Ion source and LEBT beam commissioning – currently on-going applying ESS operational limits and conditions. Limits: Personnel is NOT categorised as exposed workers (less than 1 mSv/year). Beam commissioning shall not exceed proton beam energy of 80 keV. Systems important to safety: A safety fence containing 2 mm lead shielding around the entire ion source with a height of 2.5 m. A Personnel Safety System 0 (PSS0), that controls the access to the area inside the fence (PSS0 controlled area). Passive environmental dosimeters around the safety fence, for monitoring radiation levels outside the fence.
RP Handbook Chapter 5 & 7 Chapters 5 and 7 are in particular addressed to work carried out by Radiation Protection staff, e.g. Ch 5. Radioactive materials Sealed sources for functionality test of radiation detectors Ch 7. Radation monitoring Area monitoring by passive measurement technique (OSL) Hand held RP instruments (operated by RPO)
RP Handbook Chapter 5 Outlines Requirements for sealed radioactive sources Inventory of radioactive sealed sources Requirements for source storage Control of radioactive sources Handling and Use of Sealed Radioactive Sources Training in Handling Transportation Event reporting
RP Handbook Chapter 7 Outlines Radiation monitoring Which kind of RP monitors are in use Hand-held monitors Passive radiation monitoring Calibration of radiation monitors Maintenance and Operations Archiving Radiological Monitoring Data Present scope: Radiation zoning validation of non-designated areas and supervised radiation areas.
Next steps Review/revisions of released chapters Revision of prepared chapters Chapter 3 ALARA Chapter 6 Dosimetry Chapter 9 Shielding Chapter 11 Training and Qualification Chapter 12 Emergency Preparedness
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