Logic Ch. 2.2
Statement- a sentence that is either true or false. Truth Value- True/False Represented with letters such as p or q Example: The mascot of Madison High School is a bobcat. Two angles that add to 90° are supplementary.
Conjunction vs. Disjunction Example: This class is 4th hour and is geometry. This class is 4th hour or geometry. An equilateral triangle has 3 congruent angles and 3 congruent sides. Two lines that do not cross are parallel or non-coplanar.
Negation- Example: Write the statement. Evaluate the truth value. p: I like chocolate. ~p q: I do not like to play sports. ~q r: A line segment never ends. ~r
Write the statement with the given p and q. Evaluate the truth value. p: Today is Tuesday. q: It is raining outside. p ^q p V q ~q ^ p ~p V ~q
Venn Diagrams
Problem Set Pg. 103 #11–22, 31, 33, 48