Educator Evaluation Professional Development Series- At a Glance Teacher and Principal Eval Tool Offerings Principal Leadership Session on IDP’s on August 10th at COPESD Formative Assessment Aug 22 at COPESD AdvancEd Principal Eval (2 Days) Training being offered on August 22-23rd held at Wexford-Miss ISD Danielson Teacher Eval (2 Days) Training being offered on August 25-26th held at COPESD Teacher and Principal Eval Tool Offerings Danielson Teacher Eval (2 Days) Training being offered on June 20-21st held at Wexford-Miss ISD AdvancEd Principal Eval (2 Days) Training being offered on June 22-23rd held at Char Em ISD Leadership Sessions on Eval Principal Leadership Session on SLO’s and Mid year Evaluation requirements on December 6th held at COPESD Principal Leadership Session on connecting Eval Frameworks to School Improve planning on February 17th held at COPESD July August Oct-Nov Dec-Feb June March-May Eval Data Use and Observation Offerings MASSP Obervation and Formative Feedback PD on October 18th held at COPESD MASSP Student Learning Objectives PD on November 3rd rescheduled to December 14th held at Gaylord UC by REMC 3 Superintendent Board Evaluation Tool MASB School Board Superintendent Eval being offered on July 27th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. held at COPESD Student Growth Data and EOY Eval Offerings MASSP Student Growth and Assessment PD on March 2nd held at Gaylord UC by REMC 3 Principal Leadership Session on EOY Eval Requirments on May 4th held at COPESD For Questions on how to register for any of these events please contact Lori Pearson or Jamie Huber- or Phone- (231) 238-9394