IDEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS I. Autocracies A. Origins B. Characteristics II. Reaction to Autocracies A. Protestant Reformation B. English “reforms” Magna Carta – 1215 English Civil War – 1640’s
“Glorious Revolution” 1689 “English Bill of Rights” 1689 C. The Enlightenment 17th & 18th Centuries Basic Concepts reason natural law progress
John Locke natural rights social contract Baron de Montesquieu “freedom = within the law” “liberty is rooted in property” (structure) BOTH rule by aristocracy feared mass democracy
III. U.S. Constitution A. Post Revolution Era frontier experience political chaos B. Federalists national orientation structure “loose interpretation”
C. Anti-Federalists libertarian states rights “strict interpretation”
D. 1787 Constitution Which philosopher is responsible for the following items? - federalism - separation of powers - checks and balances - written by aristocrats - suffrage - senators
- presidential nominations - electoral college - Bill of Rights