APEC Project Management 主講人:詹博士 滿容 1/17 民國九十四年四月十八日
Contents Project Proposal Project Application Project Endorsement Project Implementation Project Report 2/17
Project Proposal Contents: Purpose Beneficiaries Deliverables meeting needs of the targeted beneficiaries business/private sector and/or non-governmental participation 〝APEC Value 〞 3/17
Linkage to APEC Value Leaders/Ministers Declarations (Borgor, etc.) APEC Fora’s vision/policy statements ; Terms of Reference Active participation of a lg. # of members Biz/non-govtal/women participation Specific APEC value if also by others Role of women Ecotech projects:6 priorities in Manila Declaration (Capital, infrastructure, H.R.D., S & T, Sustainable development, SME) Counter-Terrorism 4/17
Project Application APEC – Relevant Task-Force’s TOR Avoid overlapping Build Consensus Strategic alliance Project ranking APEC-funded and/or self-funded 5/17
APEC Central Funds APEC Administrative Account APEC Operational Account (an annual cap of US$ 2 millions) APEC TILF Special Account (pending each year’s renewal) APEC Secretariat 6/17
A Forum’s maximum value Operational Account A Forum’s maximum value of project ≦ 15% (i.e currently US$ 300,000) 7/17
Urgent Projects Exception rather than norm (usually capped at US$ 20,000 submitted by Jan./Feb.) 8/17
Project Endorsement Lead Shepherd Task Force SOM Ministers Leaders 9/17
Notify project Overseer Project Proposal A Flow Chart Ministerial Approval OCT./NOV. SOM’s Approval AUG./SEP. Budget & Management Committee’s Approval JUL./AUG. APEC for a’s Approval & Priority Ranking By June Cc:APEC Secretariat Notify project Overseer before Proposals from Member Economics 10/17 APR./MAY.
Project Implementation Approval Project Implementation Process : Project Overseers Request for Proposals (RFP) For contracts ≧ US$50,000 Evaluate Report Fund Dispersion within 2 years 11/17
Project Implementation HOW Project overseer’s prerogative APEC project guidelines Updates development generate support Measured dose of pressure Set due dates No reply as agreement 12/17
Project Implementation Types Seminar / Symposium Training Data base Communication Tool 13/17
Project Implementation Issues of Concerns Address to wide-spectrum of interests Policy-relevance Reliability Compatibility A sense of community 14/17
Project Report Evaluation Report Public outreach Self evaluation Participants' evaluation Public outreach Build recognition at all levels Establish credibility What next? Snow-Ball effects APEC - funded Self - funded 15/17
台灣經濟研究院國際事務處 詹博士滿容 民國九十四年四月十八日 討論時間 Q & A 請大家踴躍發言! 16/17 台灣經濟研究院國際事務處 詹博士滿容 民國九十四年四月十八日
台灣經濟研究院國際事務處 詹博士滿容 民國九十四年四月十八日 謝謝大家撥冗出席 Thank You Very Much! 17/17 台灣經濟研究院國際事務處 詹博士滿容 民國九十四年四月十八日