Money Mondays!! Please sit quietly with an opener sheet and something to write with. We’ll begin the sample EXPLORE reading section once the bell rings!
9/16 Learning Objectives 1. Explain the four major comma rules, and the usage of colons and semi-colons; correct sentences with punctuation errors with 80% accuracy or better 2. Apply expository reading skills of identifying the topic, topic sentence, and answering ACT-based comprehension questions based on an expository reading sample. 3. Answer sample ACT practice questions with 40% accuracy without the availability of the reading selection, and with 80% accuracy with the reading selection available. Core Standards Addressed: RI.9-10.5: Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text RI.9-10.2: Determine a central idea of the text and analyze its specific development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details RI.9-10.6: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose L.9-10.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Review of previous learning Quiz questions (difficult ones) Style vs. Tone notes (finish) Locating topic sentences from specified paragraphs in “Stop Snitching” article.
Style Tone Topic Sentence Thesis Statement Expert Opinion Fact Objective Subjective Conventions Formal style Informal style Statements that can be verified. Once verified, facts can be accepted and regarded as reliable information. The handling of language by an author, including specific word choices, sentence structure, figurative language, and so on. A broad, general statement, that summarizes the key points in the paragraph. Writing in an objective, impersonal way, with precise use of language. Follows standard conventions of English. Common rules and practices of a language. Tone that is influenced by personal views and may contain personal opinions. Refers to the author's attitude, either stated or implied, toward his or her subject matter and the audience. Style that may be subjective and contain personal opinions; language may not follow standard conventions of English. Opinions that are valid because they come from a knowledgeable and trust-worthy source. The tone when a writer’s words are unbiased and unemotional. A focus statement or main idea that is supported by facts or argument. It usually applies to an entire document, essay, or chapter