Learning outside the classroom
Your earliest memories… Learning and being outside is memorable!!
Why are we embedding learning outside the classroom in our school? Learning and education is not only about what we learn, but how and where we learn. It is about improving understanding, skills, values, personal and social development.
Real-world learning! acquiring knowledge and skills through real-life, practical or hands-on activities.
There is a wealth of evidence: tackles social mobility equips young people with the skills they need to become active and responsible citizens addresses educational inequality supports improved standards back INSIDE the classroom
Lessons outside the classroom are fundamentally no different from any other kind of learning. It starts with an appreciation that the learning we want to enable may be better achieved outside the ‘sort of’ classroom normally used. It’s not just an add on we want to embed this across the curriculum in all subjects.
Where can learning outside the classroom take place? In a classroom In the grounds of the school In the local environment- 15min radius On a school trip using public transport On a school trip outside of London On a residential
What lessons have been taking place so far? Year 3 had enormous fun playing cave men this week to learn about the art of survival in the Stone Age. They designed and built shelters in the edible garden worthy of Fred or Wilma Flinstone!
Fire safety lesson for Bonfire night at the fire pit.
Sowing broad beans in Nursery along side learning about Jack and the Beanstalk.
Map reading in year 2.
Edible Garden
How can you help? Taking chn outside at the weekends in all weathers. Collect natural items for observation or to make simple crafts. Discuss all the senses when on an outdoor adventure- can they record their observations? Send chn to school in weather proof clothing.